Frequently asked

Where does Zamora source it’s meat from?

We source all our meat from a select number of South Island producers.

Are your products gluten or preservative free?

All of our sausages and cured meats are gluten free. We try to avoid using where possible and limited the use when necessary use of preservatives and additives. 
Where any have been added or used, these are specified on individual packing.

Are your products free-range?

All of our beef and lamb are free range and our pork products are free-farmed. 
For more information and details on free-farmed pork, please check their website here

What are the best before dates and can I freeze the products?

All of our products have individual best before dates. All of our sausage products should be kept refrigerated and can be frozen. 
Once defrosted do not re-freeze unless you have cooked the product.

If we haven't answered your questions sufficiently here then please Contact us.